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Carolyn Hennessey

Carolyn’s unique value lies at the intersection of her strategic astuteness
and her disarming personality.

Carolyn Hennessey is passionate about helping people come together, see strategic growth opportunities and then drive to clarity on what to go do to achieve results.

Carolyn’s foundation is her nearly 14 years of strong results and leadership at Procter & Gamble in brand marketing, consumer insight and corporate innovation. For almost 20 years now, she has taken her expertise and people skills to help leaders by having someone who ‘gets it’ facilitate their teams through strategic conversations, uncovering consumer insights, idea creation and actionable plans.

She provides highly strategic perspective with her clear thinking style and broad knowledge of various frameworks and examples. This ensures that teams are working on the right issues and having the right conversations. Her approach encourages teams to think and engage freely and openly.